Estate Litigation

Estate litigation can be an emotional and stressful process. This leads to a large portion of people wanting to delay or entirely forget about it. Here at the office of Jeff O’Brien, we understand the stress our clients may be under and we always aim to support them in any way we can.

A person may seek a lawyer for Estate Litigation for a plethora of reasons. They may be challenging a will, or attempting to make sense of a confusing one. They may also be attempting to remove an executor, or disputing gifts/loans. Our number one goal is to make the process as easy and stress free as possible, while also getting optimal results for our clients. We aim to get things done through mediation and arbitrations but there are times when it is necessary to go to court. When this happens we are always here to support our clients and we ensure that our clients are ready for trial. Our clients will be included in the process and we always explain the process thoroughly to each client. We strive for transparency and understanding between Jeff and the client.

We are committed to making the process of Estate Litigation as easy and pacifying as possible. If this sounds like something you need at this moment, please contact our office today.